Sunday, April 26, 2015

Third blog post

 This week of genius hour I've moved on from deciphering lines and now I'll be focusing on hand shape. I've found out that there's signs and planets in your hands. Your hand size decides what sign you are (earth, fire, water, or air) for example, I have long hands, so I'm water. 
  Next, I'm looking for little mounts in your hand and those mounts all have a different message. Each of those mounts have names for themselves and they're named after planets. When I'm done researching the mounts and signs I'm going to start memorizing the variety of outcomes hand shapes have, just like what I did with the hand lines. 
  After I'm finally done with the non-scientific side of palm reading, I may begin to study the scientific side. Hopefully I'll have time to do that because I'm really excited for that part of this project.
  I don't have very good memory, so this is an obstacle that I've come across. I'm still a skeptic, but I don't see that as such an obstacle anymore, because being a skeptic kind of drives me to know more about palm reading, so there's one obstacle I've hopped over. 
  Despite the race against time and the obstacles, I'm stilly very very motivated for this. There's so much to learn about my topic, it's definitely keeping me on my toes... I wonder if there's foot reading? Gross.


  1. You make me laugh, Elizabeth. Thanks for the partial palm reading in class the other day. Perhaps you could read someone's palm as part of your presentation? :)

  2. Actually, I do plan on reading a palm or two(:
