Sunday, May 10, 2015

The ending of genius hour

-What was your favorite part of the topic you chose? The silliness of it, if you've read my previous entries then you know how I feel about palmistry.
-What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose? Doing nothing (As in creating) except memorizing.
-What do you like best about genius hour research? I like how I got the opportunity to choose my own lesson plan. 
-What do you like least about genius hour research? I didn't like having to comment on others entries, but I guess it was nice to know that someone was reading, and you weren't just doing it for nothing.
-What was the most important thing you learned about yourself, how you learn, or research in general as a result of this work? I need to create in order to remain interested. 
-My essential question was: Will I be able to look at anyone's hand and read it? Unfortunately, no. I cannot look at anyone's hand and read it, BUT it does motivate me to want to be able to.

 This has been a long journey, but like every other journey, it must come to an end at some point. There were of course its ups and downs, I enjoyed the ride, and if I said that I was sad genius hour was ending, I'd be lying. I won't be keeping up with this blog, it's not like I posted much content anyways. So, sorry if you liked my blog, departing with my witty comments will be very very hard on you, I know, I know, but I just don't want to go on anymore. I'm sure you'll be able to find another funny blog that's consistent and that loves its viewers, not saying that I didn't love y'all, I just could've loved y'all more.
 (I honestly didn't mean for that to sound like a break up, but it did, and it's HILARIOUS! I'm dying of laughter)

Sunday, May 3, 2015


  This week I've began learning about the medical side of palm reading and I realized something; I hate my topic. The idea of my topic seemed better than doing the topic, hopefully that makes sense. In other words, palm reading seemed like a cool, creative thing to learn about, but now that I'm actually doing it I'm sooo bored. I think I know why. I'm not doing anything physical. I'm not making/creating anything. I'm just observing and memorizing. There's really nothing more to it and I'm a little glad that I'm about to be through with genius hour. I'm thankful for the experience, but now I know that the next time I attempt to learn something I should make sure I'll be doing something where I'm able to create.
  This may sound odd, but even though I hate my topic, I'm still pretty excited to learn more. I guess that's a good thing, because that means I'm not just going to give up easily.
  Anyways, the whole medical thing doesn't make sense, based off of my research we all have some kind of a disease or some sickness. That's also why I drifted from this project, it just doesn't make any sense.
  So something weird is happening, the more I write about my dislike for palmistry, the more I start to like it again? Because I'm in love with my topic right now... I'm in a bit of a conundrum.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Third blog post

 This week of genius hour I've moved on from deciphering lines and now I'll be focusing on hand shape. I've found out that there's signs and planets in your hands. Your hand size decides what sign you are (earth, fire, water, or air) for example, I have long hands, so I'm water. 
  Next, I'm looking for little mounts in your hand and those mounts all have a different message. Each of those mounts have names for themselves and they're named after planets. When I'm done researching the mounts and signs I'm going to start memorizing the variety of outcomes hand shapes have, just like what I did with the hand lines. 
  After I'm finally done with the non-scientific side of palm reading, I may begin to study the scientific side. Hopefully I'll have time to do that because I'm really excited for that part of this project.
  I don't have very good memory, so this is an obstacle that I've come across. I'm still a skeptic, but I don't see that as such an obstacle anymore, because being a skeptic kind of drives me to know more about palm reading, so there's one obstacle I've hopped over. 
  Despite the race against time and the obstacles, I'm stilly very very motivated for this. There's so much to learn about my topic, it's definitely keeping me on my toes... I wonder if there's foot reading? Gross.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

  Before I start this blog post can we appreciate how clever my blog name is? It's literatelizabeth because I'm going to be reading palms. Get it? I mean how much more clever can it get?
  Well, first of all, I think that palm reading is ridiculous. The fact that people believe you can tell your future, see if you're going to get married or not, what age you're going to die at, etc. just by looking at your hand is crazy. That's why i want to learn about it. I know that it sounds as if I'm contradicting myself by doing this but I'm really interested in why/ how people truly believe in the act of hand reading.
  I'm going to learn about what the fortune tellers look for in a hand, I just may go get my hand read myself by a professional. Theres a little palm reading shop that I always pass by and maybe thats where I got the inspiration for this project. Even though I said I don't believe in palm reading, I am so fascinated by it and I'm super excited for this project, but I also have two obstacles that I'll be facing.
  Obstacle number one.
      -I must act as if I'm not a skeptic which may be hard but if i act like a skeptic and a non-believer then I think I wont fully be able to grasp this project.
  Obstacle number two.
      -My evil stepmother. I'm kidding, she isn't evil, but she does think that palm reading is. Many religious people do in fact. As long as she doesn't find out that I'm doing this then I should be fine.